Updated on July 19 2024 by Thomas Ek
...so let's cut the crap. Okay?
The problem with Tax-Funded Free Abortion, can that be solved? - Yes, it can be solved. And that in a reasonable and for everyone - morally acceptable way. But to understand what the problem with Tax-Funded Free Abortion is all about, then you need to take the time to read through the entire text content below. I guess it would take about three minutes to read it all.
You probably have heard someone say;
"All life comes from God and all life begins at conception".
Yes, that might be true. But when it comes to the issue of abortion, many people perceive that the beginning of life is a complex issue that cannot solely be defined at conception.
Therefore, you cannot, as many people believe - probably most people, - always stand up to that rule. That needs to be respected.
The rule - that all life begins at conception - is however Roman-Catholic theology. That is written in stone. In the Catholic Church you must respect it. There is no way around this.
When the true Roman Catholic person - against that persons own will is forced, to pay for abortions for women of other faiths, then that is a problem. The reason is the Freedom of Religion Act. Freedom of religion is a fundamental right. It is instituted in the Swedish constitution.
Freedom of religion means that no person should be subjected to religious coercion. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought and conscience. Everyone knows this. It is wrong to force someone to act or live against their conscience, even if we think we know better. For that reason, tax-funded free abortion is a very serious problem.
There is a way to solve this problem. But information on how to solve this problem - in a relatively easy and simple way is withheld, by corrupt media, fake news and our state-run public service.
For decades, Senator Joe Biden supported the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits the goverment from paying for abortions because it violates the rights of Catholics and other religious people.
The Hyde Amendment is fair because Pro-choice Americans can easily donate money to abortion clinics. This to ensure that legal abortions can be made available to everyone.
The new Joe Biden - President Joe Biden, rejects the Hyde Amendment. The position is clear, there should be no restrictions on abortion, at all. Biden has not responded to that position. But if I were Joe Biden who is a practicing Catholic, then I would be terrified the day I am forced to meet Saint Peter.
Joe Biden and our Swedish public service are abortion activists. Why? Because they promote and encourage abortion. Even week 40. Joe resists all restrictions. - If the woman who is about to give birth to the child half an hour before birth, getting a panic attack or something else suddenly says; no, i don't really want this baby. This attitude, is so extreme that it falls into the Nazi camp.
If the child is deformed or has some other problem, they can execute the child. There are no laws against it. The cowardly Catholic clergy in the United States are turning their backs on this. Like the MSM and our public service they don't care. Our own "Swedish Church", what do they say about this? Our public service activities ensure that the Church of Sweden does not dare to raise the issue, with the result that many poorly informed and low gifted Swedes can live in sheltered housing.
Thirty seconds before a supposedly problem-free birth is expected to take place, - no problem. In New York, California and New Jersey, for example, there is no regulation around abortion, at all. There you can have an abortion of at any time up until the birth. The same applies in Alaska, Colorado, Minnesota, New Jersey, New México, Oregon and Vermont. No regulations whatsoever regarding abortion.
Of the world's almost 200 countries, only 7 (seven) countries allow abortion at any time and no reason whatsoever; China, Singapore, USA, Vietnam, Canada, Netherlands, North Korea. Did you know about this?
In those countries it is perfectly okay at the moment of birth, when the doctor at the vaginal opening sees the head of the child who is about to be delivered, kill the child by drilling a hole in the child's head with a drilling machine. And to spare the mother's physical pain, the inside the vaginal opening, as usual, first cut the child into smaller pieces, and then take out the body parts from the mother.
No, no, no, thats not how it works, you say. You are right. But it is happening, with the support, of American legislation.
Our biased public service doings have given the effect that the Swedes in this matter have no idea what they are talking about, I believe.
Facts - Conclusion
According to current Swedish legislation today we have free tax-funded abortions, regardless of reason, up to week 18.
Whether the pregnant woman in question wants to carry out the abortion just to avoid giving birth or because she wants to devote herself to something other than giving birth at the time and raise a child, the legislation does not take into account - the legislation does not care.
No man has the right to kill a child, whether the child has left the mother's womb or not. Abortion is about killing a creature that can hardly be claimed to be anything else than a human being.
It is a medical fact that a baby in the womb is viable long before birth. At the moment of conception, a process begins that ends only after adolescence, not week 22. It is impossible to say during this process when the fetus is to be considered as a human being.
The heart starts beating after 5 weeks. The fetus reacts to song and music, sucks the thumb and can dream. It has its own unique DNA, its own unique RhD set, and it feels pain.
The argument that it is the woman's body, and no one else that is involved, is clearly incorrect. There are two bodies, and, two lives involved. The problem is that the fetus is not able to articulate its interest in being allowed to live. The fact that the child lives in the mother's womb does not give the mother the right to kill the child.
There are no circumstances that can justify the killing of an innocent person. We will not solve the problems of rape and other injustices by allowing women to have abortions. The abuse has already taken place, and the abortion will only be an easy way out.
It is therefore wrong to blame or bring over the adult world problems of the on the child who cannot make its case through abortion.
The legal conscience in a civilized society says that society must protect the people who are defenseless. All people have an inviolable right to life.
The damage in question through the rape is complete, it's done. The damage cannot be restored, be undone or reimbursed. The poor fertilized woman in question is forced (according to current Swedish legislation), against her will, to choose.
The forced choice at hand, which is at stake here, is either to spill the problems of the woman's adult world to the small child by killing the child. Or, by letting the child live, and live with that problem. From what I understand and perhaps experience, the child must be allowed to live.
The woman who is a crime victim is, in my opinion, in consideration of civilized jurisprudence, and ethical awareness, forced to give birth to the child, and live with that problem. A society that promotes, pays for and carries out interventions where more victims of crime are created, by taking the lives of innocent children, it is not a civilized society. Exceptions for incest and serious medical danger to the mother should perhaps, be the only occasions when abortion can be justified. But only then.
Destroying a viable fetus out of pure convenience with the support of current Swedish legislation is, from what I understand, a flagrant violation of UN conventions on human rights. Why?
Because Human Rights, they come before our Civil Rights. Or if you like, Human Right, comes before Civil Right.
… But;
- I have to think about and take responsibility over my own future?
- It's an unwanted child, - thus condemned to a bad life?
- I don't feel ready right now to become a parent.
- I want to plan my parenting, I will have children later instead.
The ways of life are, unfathomable. That's how it is. NO ONE, can know in advance how the little life in the womb will cope.
Sharpen Now Up
When I was a small boy I spent all my childhood summers with my grandfather and grandmother on Grötö which is a small island located in the Gothenburgs archipelago. Everyone who lived there on Grötö worked at that time as a fisherman, a tremendoudly hard, tuff and tiring profession.
The moral and spiritual strength that was held by these fishermen families (during the 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s), it was in a completely, completely different division than what our Sweden is built on today. I am here talking about wholly different type of ”wood” than what most of us usually can refer to today.
Only nine months old, my mother was given away by her biological parents, without the family's knowledge, to fishermen Otto and Svea Eriksson on Grötö, who seventeen years later came to adopt her. My mother told me that she was adopted and that she as an adult, only once, during a short visit, had sought out and met, individually, her respective biological parent. Whether possible poverty was the reason why abortion could not be performed, which was illegal in 1931, and who her respective biological parent was, she never said.
When I asked who they were and what their names were my mother then told me with a sad, terrified, yet disciplined firm look - straight in to my eyes, that I never will forget; - no, he was an Evil, man. I don't want us to talk about it. Out of respect for my mother's trauma, I left it at that.
My protective, perfectly healthy, outstandingly fantastic mother, got to experience a long, extremely content-rich, and beautiful life. All my other known family members except my father who also has fallen away, still do.
Jesus also came as a vulnerable unexpected child. Despite social stigma, Maria embraced life. Joseph accepted the responsibility of fatherhood. And both of them fought to protect him from being killed. Billions of people therefore came to live a better life.
A bacterium on Mars is considered as life. But a heartbeat on Earth, that's not life? It is only now with 68 years on my shoulders that I have come to understand why almost only older people collect wisdom.
Public service that has occupied the altar of reproductive rights does not want any restrictions on the abortion issue. That's the truth. Public service's extremely large market share has resulted in that the Pro-Choice view on the abortion issue by no means have been given the same space as the abortion advocates. That is neither acceptable, reasonable nor good enough.
The Swedes' position on abortion has therefore through the Swedish goverment media activities become a matter of maturity, I believe.
I find it troubling that when a woman of conveniance reasons decide to terminate the life of her child, then - through my taxes, I am forced to pay for the abortion.
I don't like that.
"Reproductive rights"? - Yes, very nice. - Doesn't that sound extravagant? - Now we are there again. I have no problem with that fuzzy theorem. Okay? But when a man and a woman choose to have intercourse it comes with a responsibility to take its consequences. So Cut The Crap Will You?
The Solution
The three arguments that "Pro-Abortion" and "Reproductive Rights" advocates put forward for their view to be valid:
“Tax-funded free abortion is a Civil Right”, is an argument that is often highlighted by actors within political parties, human rights organizations and feminist movements.
- Human Rights comes before Civil Rights.
Or if you like - Human right comes before Civil Right.
There is no justification nor reason for the state to compel believers to fund abortions that they morally oppose. There is no valid necessity for such a requirement. Christians are encouraged not to judge, as they entrust that responsibility to the Creator.
If the Hyde Amendment, which allows pro-choice people to donate money to abortion clinics to ensure access to legal abortions - and therefore safe abortions - was passed by the UN and Western governments, then it would solve the very problematic use of both Freedom of Religion and Human Rights.
But because our corrupt media, fake news and our public service are withholding information of the Hyde Amendment proposition which is a fair, just and reasonable alternative way to go, the proposal still remains unknown. That is why no change or debate is taking place.
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